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CGCA Limited Members' Privacy Statement

CGCA Limited Members’ Privacy Statement.  Version 3.2, 24th October 2023

CGCA Limited is a Private Company Limited by Guarantee. Registration number 11735499


CGCA Limited Members’ Privacy Statement

(Version 3.2, dated 24th October 2023)


The following applies to all classes of members: life, honorary, annual and student. This Statement covers your membership data and all interactions with CGCA and its agents related to the operation of the Association. Note that the Event Attendees Privacy Statement cover privacy of those attending a CGCA or CGCA related event in relation to that attendance at that Event.

If you engage with CGCA on any social media platform, your personal data on that platform is covered by your agreement with the platform provider and not by this Statement. 


Your Membership


All classes of membership include:

  • Undertaking by CGCA Limited to maintain your membership records in an electronic system

  • Undertaking by CGCA Limited to maintain your preferences in an electronic system

  • The right to attend the Annual General meeting

  • Access to 2 copies of Imperial ENGINEER per year in paper or electronic form

  • The right for you to terminate your membership at any time

  • The ability for you to change the class of your membership when necessary

  • Optionally, attend CGCA Limited organised events as a member

  • The right to receive electronic newsletters/update from CGCA Limited.

  • To receive updates on the status of your membership

  • Optionally to be informed of CGCA Limited or CGCA Limited related products, services and events

  • The ability to maintain your contact details by informing CGCA Limited

  • The right for your membership to be carried forward on the same terms to any entity that supersedes CGCA Limited


Terms and Conditions


By applying for and accepting membership, all classes agree and consent to the terms and conditions below.  By continuing to pay your subscriptions or not cancelling your membership these terms and conditions will continue to apply.

CGCA Limited’s Legitimate Interest in you.

To maintain your membership records in an electronic system, CGCA Limited must have a legitimate interest in you.  CGCA Limited declare their legitimate interest in members is:

  • For life and annual members – there is a membership contract between us, established at your request.  Provided you do not cancel that contract and continue to meet your subscription responsibilities, that contract will endure.

  • For Honorary and Student members – you have requested to be a member of CGCA and CGCA Limited have accepted that request, and until you declare you no longer wish to be a member that request will endure.


Personal Data


To operate and manage your membership, CGCA Limited will store and process the following data:

  • Your identity, including CID, date of birth, name and title.

  • Your contact information.

  • Your history of enrolment in Departments by years, but excluding degree results.

  • Your membership status

  • Your subscription status

  • Your preferences related to CGCA Limited

This data will be stored and processed in accordance to the then current data protection regulations in the UK.


Who your data may be shared with


 CGCA Limited share your Identity and contact data with Imperial College.  This is a reciprocal data sharing agreement so for CGCA members, Imperial College shares identity and contact data given to them by you with CGCA Limited.  In this way you only need to tell one organisation of a change of details and this will automatically be made known to the other organisation.  Imperial College operate in conformance with data protection regulations under their own Privacy Statement which you may view at

Imperial College may contact you using the contact data to update you on College news and events.  If you do not wish this to happen, please amend your preferences by contacting the College Advancement Department on this address:  

Alumni Services 
t: +44 (0)20 7594 6138

Level 1, Faculty Building, Imperial College, 

South Kensington Campus

London SW7 2AZ, UK


Additionally, by applying, accepting and continuing your membership you request and consent to Imperial College sharing with CGCA Limited details of your time at Imperial and department.  This enables CGCA Limited to complete your membership data without asking you to re-enter the data already held by College.  

If the data sharing arrangement with Imperial is terminated for any reason, Imperial College will retain the data shared with them by CGCA Limited, but no further data will be made available to Imperial or by Imperial to CGCA.

CGCA Limited may, from time to time, share your identity and contact data with a subcontractor chosen to arrange a mailing or emailing of CGCA Limited related news to a selection of members. All such subcontractors will be checked for compliance with data protection and privacy regulations and will not be permitted to use the data provided by CGCA Limited for any purpose other than those in the contract agreement.


Provision of the Membership System


The membership system used to store and process your data is provided to CGCA Limited by Imperial College under a Data Processing and Sharing Agreement.  The system is an integral part of the College’s Alumni Database.


Your right of access


As a member, you may, at any time, make a request to CGCA Limited to see a copy of all your personal data held by CGCA Limited.  Further, if any of the data is incorrect or out of data, you may request that CGCA Limited changes the data on record.  Note that your request to CGCA Limited will only let you see the data that CGCA Limited controls, uniquely or in common with Imperial College, and that Imperial may have other data of yours that will not be included in CGCA Limited’s response.  

Access requests should be emailed to or sent to 

CGCA’s Registered Address

CGCA, c/o 4 Claridge Court, Lower Kings Road, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom, HP4 2AF




The following applies to your personal data held by CGCA Limited.

Your data will be retained by CGCA Limited until you cancel your membership or cease paying your subscriptions.  If this occurs CGCA Limited will cease to have access to your personal data within 12 months of either occurring.  This does not affect your personal data held only by Imperial College.

Your data will be backed up and restored if necessary as an integral part of the backup/restore procedures of the Imperial College Alumni Database.

Access to your data by CGCA Limited will always require a password to be issued by an authorised user.  Devices used by CGCA Limited to access your data will have a nonactivity time out of no more than 10 minutes and require a password to be entered to restore access. 

Whenever your data is transmitted across a publicly accessible network it will be encrypted and compliant with Imperial’s ICT guidelines.


Networking between Members


A key part of your membership is to remain in contact with others.  To enable this, your contact information may be made available to other members but always in a way that the enquiring member does not have direct access to your contact information.  You will receive a message that the enquirer wishes to contact you and you are then able to decide if you wish to enter into direct communication or not.  


Electronic Communications


CGCA Limited may, from time to time, contact you electronically about any aspect of your membership, including making you aware of how to access electronic copies of Imperial ENGINEER.  This is an integral part of your membership.  CGCA Limited will record your preference on receiving electronic details of forthcoming events or other products and services of CGCA Limited, or CGCA Limited jointly with others.  If you have not consented to receive these types of communication, then you will not receive these communications.  If you do not express a preference CGCA will assume you do NOT wish to receive these communications.  You may express or change your preference by visiting the CGCA Limited website at


Contact Us


The CGCA Limited Data Controller may be contacted by email at

Or by normal mail at

CGCA, c/o 4 Claridge Court, Lower Kings Road, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom, HP4 2AF


These terms and conditions may be updated from time to time to reflect changes in the law, Imperial College or CGCA Limited policies. The latest version will be available on the CGCA Limited website,

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