A primary aim of the Association is to promote the maintenance of close links and networking between members. As industry and commerce become more fragmented, and executives in all sectors make an increasing number of job moves during their careers, the City & Guilds College Association's informal network can prove to be extremely valuable as a source of information and contacts.
Another prime objective is the advancement of the Faculty of Engineering and the well-being of its students. The Trust Fund managed by the Association supports worthwhile projects, makes donations to needy students and generally oils wheels at College in ways not otherwise possible.
We are also here to have fun! There are lunches, dinners, talks and visits based on London and other centres throughout the world. We have had parties on top of Tower Bridge, lunches at the House of Lords, candid and thought-provoking speeches from leaders of indutry, academia and government. All these occasions are to be enjoyed and also help members explore the vast networking opportunities that the Association provides.
The Association's Journal, Imperial Engineer, is published twice yearly and contains articles of current interest as well as news of the college and of students past and present.