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Committee Members

Board of Directors

Director & Chairman - Professor Anil Bharath

Director & Vice-Chairman -  Professor Kelvin Higgins
Director (Previous Chairman) - Professor Atula Abeysekera
Director & Chief Operating Officer - Nigel Cresswell
Director & Company Secretary - Allan Lee
Director - Tim Munday

Advisory Roles

Chairman of OC Trust - Peter Chase
Deputy Hon Treasurer - Owen Heaney
Deputy Hon Secretary - vacancy
Decade Reunion Organiser - Peter Chase
London Walks organiser - Alice Spain
Annual Dinner Organiser - Colin Kerr
CGCU President -
Barry Jiang
CGCU Alumni Representative - Denise Wong
Imperial Alumni Relations - Nicola Pogson and Kristin Gembiak
Imperial Engineer Editor - Peter Buck

Membership Secretary - Tom Bower

CGCA Departmental Representatives

Aeronautics - Hayley Wong

Bioengineering - Poppy Oldroyd, Millie Tsang
Chemical Engineering - Peter Lynch, Judith Hackitt
Civil Engineering -  Atula Abeysekera, Colin Kerr
Computing - James Prince, Alessandro Bonardi
Design Engineering - [vacancy], Audrey Gaulard
EEE - Chris Baker-Brian, Andrei Pogan
Mechanical Engineering - Owen Heaney, vacancy

We are looking for a departmental representative for Aeronautics and Mechanical Engineering. Please send an email to us if you’re interested.

Overseas Advisors (click name for email)

Australia (Melbourne) - Dave Bishop
Hong Kong - Leslie Swann 
Malaysia - Cheah It Tee
South Africa - Richard Gundersen

We are looking for overseas representatives, please send an email to us if you’re interesting in representing the CGCA in your local area.

Co-opted Members

Communications & Publicity - Fatima Khan

Past Chair of OC Trust, Obituaries - Chris Lumb

Co-opted Member - Milia Hasbani

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